
Friday, April 20, 2007

Who's in the driving seat of YOUR Retail Success?

History tells us that the smart business person knows how to get to their customer base, attract them and keep them coming back for more.

But history is history! Since it's formalisation a mere 12 (yes, twelve) years ago the Internet has dramatically changed the way customers / consumers go about purchasing goods. Access to this medium has enabled individual consumers to search faster, reach wider, be more informed, less susceptible to clever sales pitches. So what is a consumer? Wiki has it as follows - A consumer.

What is really interesting here is this :

"Typically when businesspeople and economists talk of consumers they are talking about person as consumer, an aggregated commodity item with little individuality other than that expressed in the buy/not-buy decision. However there is a trend in marketing to individualize the concept. Instead of generating broad demographic profile and psychographic profiles of market segments, marketers are engaging in personalized marketing, permission marketing, and mass customization.[1]"

Look at how the role reversal take place from the second sentence! But it goes much further than this.

Take a look at what Doc Searls had to say about "The Intention Economy" and how about Mass Class!?

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